Movie Date - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
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It's time to take your date to a galaxy far, far away.
A couple of years ago, Matthew and I got to see a temporary Star Wars costume exhibit at the Denver Art Museum. For those who did not quite register that statement after reading it—that’s right, we got to see the actual costumes that actors in almost all of the movies wore, including The Force Awakens, which had just been released. We even got to see one of the Darth Vader helmets. Needless to say, the exhibit was out of this world. Or out of this galaxy, more like.
The most interesting part of the whole exhibit was seeing where the designers had gotten their inspiration. From the pattern of scales on a fish to the hair styles of Mongolian nobility (does this look at all familiar to you?), the design inspiration for Star Wars was taken from every origin imaginable. With such eclectic source material, it’s no wonder Star Wars seems so fantastic and innovative.
Getting to see the costume exhibit at the Denver Art Museum only got us more obsessed with Star Wars, so of course a movie marathon commenced at lightspeed. Many, many movies later (and since then, even more), we decided that a Star Wars date night kit was in order.
Since Matthew and I are both Star Wars fans, creating this date night kit was a blast. And going on the date was even more fun. We decided that, as the first of the recent movies, The Force Awakens was a good place to start. If you want to, you can keep watching the new ones from there. Between Rogue One, Solo, and The Last Jedi you have plenty of room to keep going. Or you could go back to the beginning. As Yoda would say, no wrong way to go there is.
Here’s the rundown of this date: you will bake some easy Wookie Cookies to snack on during the movie while listening to our classic Star Wars playlist (don’t worry, no real baking skills necessary). Then you will watch the movie, have a lightsaber fight (because you know you’ve always wanted to—check out these lightsabers if you don’t already have them), and play some games that will spark geeky conversation. We’ve made a list of everything you will need below, along with step-by-step instructions on how to pull this date off, and of course the printable date night kit.
May the force be with you!
You’ll get a kick out of icing these “Wookie Cookies”. Don’t worry if they aren’t perfect—the hairier the better.
Invite your date by leaving this surprise on the counter one morning.
Movie Date
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Time: 3+ hours | Cost: $ | Location: At Home | Level: Easy
Are you and your date Star Wars fans? Well, with this date the force is with you. It's easy, fun, and affordable. Rather than just sitting and watching, step up your movie date with a lightsaber fight, quirky snacks, good conversation, and fun games.
Materials Needed:
Printable Playlist
Printable Invite + Tickets
Printable Games
Printable Easy Wookie Cookies + Ingredients
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Spotify Playlist
Popcorn or Other Snacks
Download the free printables below--including the invite, tickets, games, wookie cookie instructions, and playlist--and print. Cut out the pieces (we recommend using a portable paper cutter like this one). Then, gather your materials.
Deliver the invite to your date - you could leave it out on the counter one morning, send it via snail mail, pin it to your fridge, or come up with something else creative.
Set the scene. Set out the snacks and games. Put on our Star Wars playlist for your date's arrival.
When your date arrives, make and decorate the cookies. Then, take advantage of their momentary awe at your cookie decorating skills to start a lightsaber fight. If neither of you minds getting silly, slap on a pair of Leia buns (you can get them here) or your Darth Vader mask.
Once you are sufficiently exhausted, sit down and watch the movie, eating your snacks.
After the movie ends, continue the playlist and play the games. During "Movie Talk" you will discuss different aspects of the movie. Scramble provides a little healthy competition. "Who Said It?" will test your Star Wars knowledge.
Snap a photo and share it with us on your favorite social media site @makeadateofit! Then come back for your next date night.
How was your date? Share a picture from it on instagram with the tag @makeadateofit #makeadateofit
This Post was Last Updated 07/18/2019.
Let's face it - dinner and a movie is not going anywhere. So let's change it up. Follow along here, on social media, and on our newsletter to up your dating game this summer.