Oscar Party for Two
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That time of year has rolled around again—the Academy Awards. Even if you haven't seen all of the movies nominated, watching the Oscars can be a fun way to catch up with last year in Entertainment. Matthew and I are the type that, once the nominations come out, use the month or so available to us to watch as many of the nominated movies as we can. Usually we don't watch as many as we would like, but it's nice to see a few of the quality movies that came out during the year, many of which we never heard about.
There's something upscale and glamorous about an Oscar Party, but when it comes to actually having one they are long, hot, and crowded. A party for two allows for more conversation (and more commentary). Plus, there's the element of romance. This date is designed for two people to feel like stars for a night—and it can be used year after year. When Matthew and I tested it out for the first time, we had to save some of the games for next year as we ran out of time during commercial breaks. The date certainly succeeds in making the night faster and more fun. Plus, the MadLibs had us cracking up. It will be the most fun you've had watching the Academy Awards.
Watch the video below to find out how you can make your Oscar Party for Two a success!
Oscar Party for Two
Time: 3+ hours | Cost: $ | Location: At Home | Level: Easy
If you are looking for something fun to do on what would otherwise be a typical Sunday evening, look no further. The Academy Awards may not be high on your radar, but there are many good reasons for putting aside the time to watch. Often the movies nominated have a high level of artistic value - more than your typical blockbuster - so you can feel like you are engaging with culture. That plus making a further spectacle of celebrities makes for a great date night opportunity. We have created a date that makes watching the Oscars a party for two. Lights, camera, action!
Materials Needed:
Printable Oscar Statue
Printable Invite
Printable Games - Bingo, Fish Bowl, Mad Libs
Printable Oscar Prediction Sheet
Access to stream or watch the Academy Awards
Optional decor - gold balloons, red carpet, etc.
Sparkling wine or cider
Snacks - tuxedo cookies, popcorn, etc.
Download the free printables below and print. Print the statue and prediction sheets twice unless you want to share. Put together the statues. Gather your materials.
Deliver the invite to your date - you could leave it out on the counter one morning, send it via snail mail, pin it to your fridge, or come up with something else creative.
Set the scene. Make your living room look nice (a little decor could go a long way), pour the sparkling wine, and set out the snacks and games.
Fun Option: When watching the Oscars, do as the celebrities do. Dress in your snazziest attire and ask your date to too. You may be sitting on the couch all night, but you'll feel like a star!
Once your date arrives, get comfortable and turn on the red carpet show. Make your Oscar predictions on your sheets. Read about the nominees and enter the official contest on the Oscar’s official website. Decide on a prize for the winner, if you like (perhaps picking the next movie you watch together?).
Once the Oscars begin, settle in. Play the bingo game throughout and during commercial breaks play the mad libs and fish bowl rounds.
At the end of the night, calculate your predictions and see who guessed the most winners correctly.
Then take a pen to your own statues and decide what your date would win an Oscar for (feel free to come up with creative categories, such as "Best Hair" or "Best at Bingo"). Don’t forget to give your best acceptance speech.
Share your experience with us on social media @makeadateofit

This post was last updated January 27, 2020.
That time of year has rolled around again—the Academy Awards. While you probably haven't seen all of the movies nominated, watching the Oscars can be a fun way to catch up with last year in entertainment and your date.