Do Opposites Attract? Find Out with this Fun Date Idea
/They say that opposites attract…
And that’s never more true than when it comes to our everyday routines. As humans, we are constantly finding and adhering to patterns. In general that is a good thing. It makes life easier, uses less brain power, and keeps us organized. However, doing the same things all the time also can get us into a rut, including in our relationships. Sometimes it takes doing the opposite of what you usually do to spice things up with your partner.
One of the reasons we began our 10 Ways to Change Up Dinner and a Movie series was to encourage couples to get out of the habit of same old. Going on the same old date, watching the same old movies, eating the same old take out or frozen pizza. How can you change up this routine?
Take what you usually do, and do the opposite
We’ve come up with a dinner and a movie date night that will lift you both out of your comfort zones and encourage you to do something completely different, which in this case will prove that opposites really do attract. Keep reading for ideas and step-by-step instructions at the bottom of the page.
Change up your movie
Take a moment to think over what kinds of movies you usually watch. Perhaps you stick to light and funny movies because you need a laugh after a stressful day at work. Or maybe you prefer movies with a ton of action because you spend most of your day bored out of your mind. Whatever the case, this is your opportunity to watch something different. We have created a quiz to help you decide what kind of movie will catapult you and your date out of your routine, including a few of our favorite movies to watch.
Check out our list of 12 Movies for 12 Movie Genres, for even more ideas.
Change up your dinner
Your next step is to change up your food habits with something new. Brainstorm with your partner. What kind of food have you been dying to try, but for whatever reason have never gotten around to it? Is there a restaurant or take-out place that your friends rave about but you have been too hesitant to try? Do you have a recipe bookmarked on your tablet that you constantly skip over because it is outside your usual? Congratulations, today you are going to go for it.
Here are a few suggestions of our own. If none of them seem adventurous to you, change it up in another way. Chances are you have tried sushi at a restaurant, but have you tried making it at home? Have you ever ordered pizza with anchovies? Or asked the waiter to bring you whatever they like best? This date is all about being the opposite of your normal selves. Embrace it!
Indian Food
Thai Food
Middle Eastern Food
Cajun Food
Korean Food
Mochi Ice Cream
New Pizza Toppings
Blind Ordering
Different Meat or Fish
A Difficult Recipe
Healthier Food
We’ve laid out step-by-step instructions below so you can pull of this daring and adventurous date. It’s up to you to choose what is outside of your normal. Happy opposite day!
**This date is part nine of our new series 10 Ways to Change Up Dinner and a Movie. Check back each week for new ideas on changing up an age-old favorite. To receive updates, follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter below.**
Opposites Attract Date
Time: 2+ hours | Cost: $-$$ | Location: At Home | Level: Easy
Experience something new together. Instead of watching the same kind of movie and eating the same kind of food, why not try embracing opposites? Watch a movie you would never think to pick and eat something you would never have thought to make. This date goes beyond ordinary into the extraordinary. Creating new and unusual experiences with your date will give you both a thrill and bring you closer together.
Materials Needed:
Printable Invite + Dinner Topics
Movie Quiz
Rented Movie of Choice
Creative Dinner (Take-Out or Homemade)
Download the free printables below--including the conversation topics--and print. Cut out the pieces (we recommend using a portable paper cutter). Otherwise just download the questions to your tablet or phone.
First off, agree to approach your evening with an open mind. You’ll never learn to like something new if from the beginning you are convinced you will hate it. Who knows, you may find your new favorite food or movie!
When you’re together, take the movie quiz on our site to find out what kind of movies you never watch. If you don’t feel like the answer is right for you (or the both of you), try the quiz again. If you’re still coming up short, just search your brain for what movies you never watch and read our suggestions above.
Rent your movie. In our quiz, we suggest several movies to try in each genre. We selected these movies with newbies in mind. However, you can also scan Netflix for something you think will fit the bill.
Check out our adventurous food suggestions and choose a new food to try. Have you never tried that ethnic food place you’ve heard so much about? Today’s the day. Or have you never made a type of food that you love from scratch? Time to try it out. Expanding your horizons, even just a little, will make you feel daring with your date.
Order your take out or get cooking. You’ve made your decisions, now it is time to get down to it.
Eat, watch, and enjoy. While you eat your dinner, talk over the dinner questions all about when you have been adventurous.
Well? You may or may not change your usual way of thinking. In fact, you may hate everything new that you try. But have fun doing it and congratulate yourselves on being willing to branch out. Ask you date what they liked, didn’t like, and if they would be willing to try any of your new experiences again.
Share your experience with us on social media. What did you try? Did you love it? Hate it? Are you glad you tried something new? Let us know!
Click the Link Below to Download.
Let's face it - dinner and a movie is not going anywhere. So let's change it up. Follow along here, on social media, and on our newsletter to up your dating game this summer.