Introducing our New "Love and Learn" Series
/As our followers on social media have already heard, Matthew and I are going on a trip to Europe starting this Friday. (You can live vicariously through us by following us on Instagram.)
We wanted to do something special while we are away, so we are kicking off our new fall series:
Love and Learn
Love is a mystery. there’s always more to learn about it.
You’ve all heard the phrase, “live and learn.” Every day brings new challenges we may not know how to face. But we have to rise up to them and learn from them.
The same applies to love. Love isn’t always easy, and no one has all the answers. But every day we have to rise up to the task and learn how to love better.
For the next several weeks we will be suggesting ways to improve how you love your partner. (And the best part? It won’t be boring and it won’t be preachy.) We have broken the series into four segments focusing on easy ways we can:
Show love
Speak love
Feel love
Think love
This will be a great challenge for both men and women, and it will hopefully inspire healthy conversations about your relationship. Plus, it will be fun!
Since we want to grow our community, this series is being offered exclusively to our email followers.
If you haven’t signed up for our email newsletter, don’t panic. (I sensed that rise in blood pressure.) You can do so below. We will not share your email address with outside parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Why not ask your partner to join you? “Oh yeah,” you say, “like that’s ever going to happen.” If you aren’t sure how you would even go about it, copy and paste the following into a text message:
Hey, I found this series about ways couples can learn to love each other better. I thought it sounded fun so I signed us up.
It’s worth a shot to express your interest in working towards a fun, healthy relationship. If you know your partner would be opposed to participating, you can always do it solo.
So? Will you join us on our “love and learn” journey?
Don’t worry about subscribing too late, we will fill you in on anything you may have missed.
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