20 Last Minute Ideas for Valentine's Day
/A simple and sweet love note can be the perfect way to say “I Love You.”
Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Do you have something planned?
Mayyyybe not.
Before you run to the grocery store and buy the last disheveled teddy bear on the shelf—don’t fret. We’ve got a few romantic ideas up our heart-embroidered sleeves that will beat out wilting flowers and sickly sweet chocolates any day.
Try one of these 20 ideas to let your loved one know you care, even when time has eluded you. We have broken them down into ways to say “I love you” and ways to show “I love you.” This Valentine’s Day, why not try one of each?
Say It
Leave a Sticky Note Surprise
With just a pack of sticky notes and a pen you can express your love all over the place. Think up things you love about your partner, things you appreciate about them, loving memories you have, or just words to describe them. Write or draw those things on the sticky notes—then go on a rampage. Put them on their pillow, on the bathroom mirror, in the refrigerator, in their car, in their wallet, on their water bottle. Get creative! Treat them to surprise words of affirmation everywhere they look.
Write a Love Letter
My dearest darling divine… or something along those lines. Let the words overtake you and write your partner a hand-written love letter. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It just as to say how you feel. Use specifics—list particular times that you felt love for them, appreciated them, and wanted them. Explain how their love has changed you and what you look forward to in the future. In all probability, it will become a treasured keepsake.
Send a Romantic Text
While texting has become one of our most common methods of communication, it often turns businesslike, even with loved ones. Bring home milk. Don’t forget to get gas. I left my charger at home. Whoo—talk about sexy. This Valentine’s Day, try sending your partner a text to spark some romance. Turn your boring everyday chit-chat into something that will make their heart jump. Can’t wait to see you tonight. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. I’m so attracted to you. Get some use out of that winky kissy face emoji while you’re at it.
Record a Loving Message
If you want to go above and beyond a text message, try recording a video or voice memo. Not only will your loved one get to hear your voice, they will also be able to save it and replay it for years to come. Don’t know what to say? Say hello! Say you love them. Tell them something you appreciate that they have done for you lately. Tell them you can’t wait to see them. Speak from the heart and it will certainly be treasured.
Play Your Song
This one’s for you. Do you two have a special song? Do you have a song that brings back great memories—like a wedding dance? Or does a certain song remind you of the other person? Pull out that dusty guitar, xylophone, or ukulele and play it for them. If you are long distance, connect from afar with a recording of it.
Write a Poem
There once was an average Jane
Who thought writing poetry was lame
But she gave it a shot
Found out it’s not
And now she has national acclaim
This one may seem intimidating, but you never know what will come out if you only try. Poems can be funny or thoughtful, silly or heartrending. Whatever yours turns out to be, it will surely surprise your date. And don’t worry about it being perfect—in my limerick above, “Jane” and “lame” don’t even rhyme. Did you notice?
(Check out our “Poet and I Know It” Challenge.)
Send a Card
Usually Valentine’s Day cards get left on the counter on the morning of February 14th. But this time, why not send it via snail mail? In my experience, everyone likes ripping open a card in the mail. Otherwise, try sending an e-card that your significant other can open at work. Or seven e-cards throughout the week. Most of them are free—and it would be a pleasant surprise in their inbox.
Set a Reminder—For You Both
You know that reminders app on your phone? It’s time to put it to good use. First, put a reminder in your own phone to do something nice for that special person in your life. Maybe it is one of the other things on this list, or maybe or maybe it is something you come up with on your own. Second, sneak into your partner’s phone and leave a loving note in the reminders. Something like: You are the best husband in the world. Give your girlfriend a big smooch. Or just I love you. If you want, set it to repeat once a week or once a year.
Post on Social
One way to let your partner know just how much you appreciate them is by letting everyone else know how much you appreciate them. Create a post on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook expressing your love and gratitude. Include some pictures that will serve as a good reminder of your relationship and let the world know just how much you care.
Go through an old photo book or digital slideshow together. Most photo apps let you create a new slideshow in a matter of seconds, so it doesn’t have to be complicated. Think about all the fun times you’ve shared and brainstorm what you want to do together in the future.
(We’ve turned looking at photos into a 15 Minute Mini-Date.)
Do It
Plan a Date Night
When was the last time you asked your loved one on a date? It may sound obvious, but date nights bring couples closer together and remind them why they are in a relationship in the first place. Designate a certain amount of quality time to connecting and having fun. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive—just check out all of the creative ideas we have here on our website.
A Delicious Treat
Chances are your date has a favorite food. Chances are you also know what it is. So—dish it up! Cook your special someone’s favorite meal or dessert, then surprise them with it. It could be as simple as chocolate chip cookies or mac n’ cheese. (If you are like me it is paella or triple chocolate cake…sorry Matthew!) Can’t cook worth squat? Order their choice of take-out, grab their favorite candy bar while you are getting gas, or pick up their ideal fro-yo. We all deserve a treat once in a while.
Breakfast Surprise
Wake up early and cook your date breakfast in bed. They will be pleasantly surprised when they open their eyes and the smell of coffee and french toast wafts through their nostrils. If eating in bed is not their thing, serve it on the patio (if it is warm enough) or in your breakfast nook (you have one of those, right?).
No Phone Zone
One of the best things you can give your date this Valentine’s Day is your undivided attention. These days we are always being pulled in multiple directions. We use our electronic devices so often, we don’t even realize how addicted we’ve become. As your date might tell you, no one wants to compete with an inanimate object. So abandon that addictive rectangle you constantly carry around and establish a “No Phone Zone.” Unplug, put both of your electronics in another room, and open your eyes to the person in front of you.
Watch Their Favorite Movie or Show
If you are in a relationship, you understand the necessity of compromise—especially when it comes to TV and movies. It can be difficult for two people with their own thoughts and opinions to agree on what to watch. There may be something your partner loves that you despise, and the opposite goes too. So—in an act of love this Valentine’s Day—let them choose what to watch, no matter how you feel about it.
Do a Chore
I read poll once about the thing people wanted most for Valentine’s Day. Was it chocolate? A romantic dinner? A fancy watch? Nope. It was a car wash. Doing a chore that neither of you want to do can perhaps be the most appreciated gift you give them this Valentine’s Day. So buckle down (or buckle up) and surprise them to a clean car, an organized closet, or even a vacuumed floor.
Initiate Physical Touch
If physical touch has become less of a priority in your relationship, it’s time to change that. Your partner will feel extremely loved when you go out of your way to show them affection. Grab your partner’s hand while you are walking the dog, sneak a kiss as they pass by you in the kitchen, or give them a big bear hug when you get home from work. Pinch their butt. Wrap your arms around them. Initiate sex. Make them feel loved and desired.
Set a New Screen Photo
Set the home photo on your phone or computer screen to a romantic picture of the two of you. If you get the chance, set the photo on their phone to the same photo. Easy as that! It will become a frequent reminder of your love for each other.
Plan a Getaway
When was the last time you got away just the two of you? Leaving life’s responsibilities behind (even for one night) can restore and reset your relationship. Plan a getaway for you and your significant other. It could be a surprise or you could enjoy planning it together, as long as you set the plan in action.
Give a Thoughtful Surprise
Pay attention to cues from your partner. Do they keep complaining about their shoulders being tight? Give them a back massage, or better yet, schedule a massage at a local spa. Do they need a button sewn on their jacket? Take care of it for them. Have they mentioned a coffee place they have been wanting to try? Order their favorite drink from that coffee place and deliver it to them. Show that you listen and you care.
Let's face it - dinner and a movie is not going anywhere. So let's change it up. Follow along here, on social media, and on our newsletter to up your dating game this summer.