How to Pull Off the Perfect Drive-In Movie Date
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Something about being in your car makes you feel free. One of our favorite things to do on hot summer nights is go to the drive-in movies. Starting weekends in June, the Blue Starlight Mini Urban Drive In sets up shop in Minturn, CO and plays film favorites, from The Shining to Back to the Future. We bring snacks (or buy them there) and recline our seats. Then we sit back and enjoy the show.
Every once in a while we like to stop at a diner beforehand and order burgers and fries. The Turntable in Minturn, while not a drive-in diner, is the perfect spot for us—good food and lots of history. It is set up on top of a decommissioned Union Pacific railroad turntable, which used to turn trains 180 degrees so that they could go back the way they came. Being there feels like being transported to the past.
Two years ago we saw Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at the drive-in. We bought Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Chocolate Frogs, and Gummy Slugs to snack on during the movie—just a few more touches to make the night special. Of course, eating mystery-flavored jelly beans in the dark had its fair share of surprises, but it all added to the fun of doing something new.
Since then we’ve seen The Shining, Goonies, Indiana Jones, and Hocus Pocus all at the drive-in. Now it's your turn. You can find a drive-in near you through a quick google search, or try searching your location in the World Drive-In Movie Directory. Then read below how to make your drive-in experience one to remember.
(This date is part one of our series 10 Ways to Change Up Dinner and a Movie. To receive updates on new series, follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter below.)
Drive-In Movie Date
Time: 2+ hours | Cost: $$$ | Location: Your Car | Level: Easy
Haven't you always wanted to watch a movie with the one you love from the comfort of your beat-up sedan? There's something romantic about trying to cuddle over the center console with the seats in full recline (did you even know they could recline that far?). Add in food from your local drive-in diner (or Sonic will do...) and you have the perfect evening. For those familiar with the experience, and for the novices, get ready for your next date night.
Materials Needed:
Printable Invite
Printable Drive-In Checklist
Printable Drive-In Trivia
A Car
Snacks and Beverages
Movie Tickets
Blankets (we like this one!)
Download the free printables below--including the invite, checklist, and trivia--and print. Cut out the pieces (we recommend using a portable paper cutter). Otherwise, you can download them to your phone or tablet (screenshot the invite and text). Then, gather your materials.
Deliver the invite to your date. You could leave it out on the counter one morning, send it via snail mail, pin it to your fridge, or come up with something else creative.
When the evening arrives, double-check your check-list before you jump in the car with your date and head to your favorite drive-in diner. If you don't have one in your area, try a walk-in diner. Order your favorite grub and enjoy while watching the sun set at your favorite spot. Otherwise, take it with you to the movie.
At the movies, get your car settled and prepare your snacks. Get your seat in the ideal recline. Then snuggle up in a blanket or two. While waiting for the movie to start, do some drive-in movie trivia.
Enjoy the movie.
As you drive home, discuss your favorite characters and plot points. Then, check back on our blog for your next dinner and a movie date.
How was your date? Tell us about it on Instagram @makeadateofit #makeadateofit
This Post was Last Updated 06/17/2019
Let's face it - dinner and a movie is not going anywhere. So let's change it up. Follow along here, on social media, and on our newsletter to up your dating game this summer.