Clue: The Date Night
/**This date is part four of our series 10 Ways to Change Up Dinner and a Movie. Check out new ideas on changing up an age-old favorite. This post may also contain affiliate links in which we receive a commission on items you buy at no additional cost to you.**
Photo Credit: Paramount pictures / Fair Use
"Whodunits" completely fascinate me--in any form. Books, movies, television. I am particularly fond of what they call the "golden era" of detective fiction, when Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, GK Chesterton and others worked alongside one another to create some of the best mysteries of all time.
It may come as no surprise, then, how much I love the board game Clue. For whatever reason I am not particularly good at it, but I still always love the adventure of solving Mr. Boddy's murder. At first I was skeptical about seeing Clue: The Movie (whoever heard of a movie based on a board game?), but I was won over. It is absolutely hilarious and brings a whole new life to the game. Like many cult classics, it was not immediately well-received, but it has gained popularity over the years through the hearts of people like me.
"I have absolutely no idea what we're doing here. Or what I'm doing here, or what this place is about, but I am determined to enjoy myself. And I'm very intrigued, and, oh my, this soup's delicious, isn't it?"
When it came out in 1985, it was a huge flop at the box office. In an attempt to keep the board-game-inspired movie interesting and true to its source, the film had been released with three separate endings. Three separate endings: three separate rooms, murderers, and weapons. Upon going to the theater, you did not know which version you were going to get. The gimmick was intended to bring in repeat viewers to the box office, though this clearly did not work.
It wasn't until it was released to home video and television that it began to gain a following. The movie now has a 7.3 out of 10 on IMDB and a 86% audience approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, despite poor critics reviews. So . . . what happened? When the production company released the movie to video and television, they crafted a new conclusion that included all three theatrical release endings. Over time, it gained popularity and it now remains best movie ever based off of a board game.
When we were brainstorming ways to change up dinner and a movie, Clue instantly came to mind. A movie about a group of people invited over to dinner only to solve a murder mystery? There's so much fun to be had with that. And with the board game ready to be played, the date is easy to put together.
We've selected some, shall we say, interesting dishes from the movie to begin your evening: Shark Fin Soup and Monkey Brains. Since both are both ethically questionable and incredibly difficult to get a hold of (not to mention, ew), we have crafted our own versions. (Chinese Chicken Soup and Monkey Bread sounds a lot better, doesn't it?). After dinner, you get to watch the movie, laughing yourself silly. Then, play the game. We know, it's not meant for two people. So--we've found several variations for you to try. After that, the winner gets to select a prize to spice up your time in the bedroom. Everyone wins!
Clue: The Date Night
Time: 2+ hours | Cost: $ | Location: At Home | Level: Easy
Change up dinner and a movie with this cult-classic film, plus play the board game. What's for dinner? Try some of the delicacies offered at Mr. Boddy's house in the movie: Shark Fin Soup and Monkey Brains (Mrs. Peacock's favorite). Doesn't sound appetizing? Not to fear--we have created some faux recipes that, we must admit, are pretty darn delicious. Plus, you won't be questioning whether or not you've been poisoned. We hope.
Materials Needed:
Printable Invite
Printable Recipes
Printable Bedroom Game**
Recipe Ingredients
Snacks and Beverages
Clue: The Movie
Clue: The Board Game
Download the free printables below--including the invite, recipes, and bedroom game--and print. Cut out the pieces (we recommend using a portable paper cutter). Otherwise, download to your tablet and screenshot the invite as a text. Then, gather your materials.
Deliver the invite to your date. You could leave it out on the counter one morning, send it via snail mail, pin it to your fridge, or come up with something else creative.
When the evening arrives, put on our playlist and get cooking together (otherwise have everything prepared). Then, nosh on the delicious meal you've made.
Pop the movie in (as you would have in the 1980s . . . so long as it was rewound!). Then snuggle up in a blanket. Eat your favorite snacks.
Afterwards, talk about your favorite movie moments and quotes as you play the board game. The original version is intended for three or more players, so we have laid out four variations for two people in our FREE printables.
Finally, get a clue and play our bedroom game.**
Check back on our blog for your next dinner and a movie date!
**Our goal is to provide married couples a fun way to connect in the bedroom. If the bedroom game is not for you, simply skip it.
This Post was Last Updated 06/05/2019
Let's face it - dinner and a movie is not going anywhere. So let's change it up. Follow along here, on social media, and on our newsletter to up your dating game this summer.